Getting funding for your business

Funding is not just about securing investment. It’s about providing the right foundations for your business to succeed and grow in the future.

It’s common in the early stages for parents, siblings or friends to help fund a business that needs initial support to prove the concept can be successful. When the concept has been proved to be viable, that is the point when many businesses can seek other sources of funding.

Our team of experts can advise you on the options available to you and assist you with getting your business the funding it needs to launch.

Next steps: get in touch

If you need legal advice or information about the business growth funding options available to you, contact our expert team on: 0800 533 5349 or

Mogers Drewett

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Frequently asked questions

Yes. It’s common in the early stages for parents, siblings or friends to help fund a business that needs initial support to prove the concept can be successful.

Seed funding typically represents the first official money that a business venture or enterprise raises.

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