Tax planning services

Tax can be a confusing area for many, but getting the right advice can stop you paying more tax than you need to. With some smart planning to make the most of your exemptions and reliefs, our team of tax experts can help you get the best out of your estate and reduce your tax liability in the future.

Our team of tax planning specialists can help you to:

Reduce inheritance tax (IHT)

For many, inheritance tax is a painful and costly bone of contention – but it doesn’t have to be. By considering trusts, gifts, exemptions and reliefs, we’ll work out the best way to manage, reduce or eliminate an inheritance tax bill.

Minimise capital gains tax liabilities

Capital gains tax (CGT) can be a barrier to inheritance tax planning and can also be an unwelcome expense when passing assets to the next generation. There are a number of reliefs and exemptions that can be used to reduce your CGT liability. But it is essential to plan ahead and put in place the correct structure to make sure you are eligible for the exemptions.

Next steps: get in touch

If you need legal advice on how to avoid paying too much tax, contact our team of experts on: 0800 533 5349 or

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Frequently asked questions

Estate planning can save a huge amount of tax. Inheritance tax is usually charged at 40% on anything above your nil rate band. Taking action early means that more of your money will go to your beneficiaries.

Tax planning allows you to make the most of your exemptions and reliefs with the aim of reducing your tax liability in the future.

For IHT there is a tax threshold, known as the nil rate band. Currently the nil rate threshold is £325,000. If your assets are less than £325,000 then you pay no tax on your estate as the rate is set at 0%. Anything above this limit will be subject to IHT.

CGT is a tax paid on the profit that a seller makes when an investment is sold. The tax is payable in the tax year in which the investment is sold and this does not usually include your home, but will include the sale of any additional properties.

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